Donald Trump: Asperger’s or Just an Asshole?

I am not totally anti-Trump. Nor am I one of his fans. I’m really still waiting to see what if anything he does for this country before he goes. Naturally, his expressed inclination toward killing Federal prohibition of Marijuana is most appealing here at TN420. Furthering Medical Marijuana is a major move when it comes to compassion both for the wrongly incarcerated and millions of people who suffer from illnesses. Children that suffer from seizures in particular. I have long stated that those who are against Marijuana are against children and I mean every fucking letter of that.
Problem with Trump is, why is he such a dick?

This President has made some of the most offensive, unfeeling and unbecoming statements I have ever heard. Kinda reminds me of me….but I’m a blogger, not the POTUS. I also have a hide that’s thick as Walrus blubber so his remarks about race, nationality, the media etc. don’t bother me. As a matter of fact, I think that all too many Americans are pussies that are too easily offended. But Donald Trump is an anomaly to be sure. Is it really just because he’s hateful? I’m not so sure. These Millennial pansies don’t remember the Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live or Conan. He was funny and everybody loved him.



But that was scripted. Still, surely people don’t become President and then behave in a manner that alienates half the country and most of the world by design. So it begs the question… Is there really something wrong with Donald Trump?

Clearly the Trumpster was the victim of a sheltered life (to say the least). I seriously doubt that even as a child there was much in the way of mixing with the poor folks. Then as he grew up, probably even less. Could Donald Trump suffer from Asperger’s Syndrome? It seems as though such a possibility isn’t too far fetched.

Asperger’s Syndrome: Problems Interpreting the Social and Emotional World

Like people with autism, people with Asperger’s syndrome have a dreadful time understanding what is going on, socially. They do not always pay attention to the social scene in which they find themselves, and even when they do, they are often not able to make sense of what they see, or to respond appropriately.

There are some claims that what makes them different from people with autism is a greater desire to interact. Unlike more classically autistic children, who may be described as “aloof” or “passive” in their social interactions, children with Asperger’s tend to be “active but odd.”1 Not content to be alone all the time, they long to form friendships (as they understand them) with others. Unfortunately, they have very little idea how to make friendship work. Their approach is awkward and one-sided, and reflects a lack of understanding that the other person in the exchange has needs and wishes that have to be taken into account, too. Because they cannot read social or emotional cues well, they come off as insensitive, pushy, or strange, yet have very little insight into how they are perceived. One group of clinician-researchers commented:

“They may be able to describe correctly, in a cognitive and often formalistic fashion, other people’s emotions, expected intentions, and social conventions; yet, they are unable to act on this knowledge in an intuitive and spontaneous fashion, thus losing the tempo of the interaction. Their poor intuition and lack of spontaneous adaptation are accompanied by a marked reliance on formalistic rules of behavior and rigid social conventions. This presentation is largely responsible for the impression of social naiveté and behavioral rigidity that is so forcefully conveyed by these individuals.” 2

These social deficits, which may be somewhat masked at home where all is familiar and adults bend to a child’s unique style, stand out in sharp relief once the child is placed into a group context with typical peers, whether at informal play groups or pre-school. It is around this pre-school period that many parents first become concerned about how their child is functioning.3

Emotion is another realm that befuddles people with Asperger’s. It is often said that they lack empathy. If, by empathy, you mean a deep understanding of other people’s specific emotional states and how to respond appropriately, this is true. What it does not mean, however, is that they lack all compassion. They are more “self-centered than selfish,”4 with an attitude towards others that may range from indifference to deep concern, but is rarely malicious.

Because people with Asperger’s are intelligent but “lack empathy,” fears have sometimes been raised that they may be sociopathic. This is absolutely not the case. A true sociopath is a ruthless manipulator with an uncanny ability to read and utilize others’ emotions against them for his own gain.5 People with Asperger’s are, in sharp contrast, clueless:

It’s at least enough to make one wonder. Trump’s comments, at times, seem pointedly hurtful. His public ridicule of a handicapped journalist was inexcusable. His detention of illegal immigrant children and removal of them from the family unit, often without records that would help to reunite the families later, is like something from a horror movie. We can deal with illegal immigration without having to separate child from parent forever. But that’s what’s happening. There was no system in place to deal with the matter. And I’m not sure Trump even understands that. Why can’t Donald Trump relate what his government is doing to these illegal immigrants to his children? Empathy is clearly lacking when it comes to this matter and others.
Even George W. Bush could not alienate so many with just his mouth. Trump holds the all-time Put Foot In Mouth Championship. Bar none.

This is why I remain in awe of this New Left and the Democratic activists. There are so many real shortcomings to attack Trump over what’s with all the lies? Liberals used to stick to truth and let the Right make fools of themselves. Obviously that is no longer the case. Modern “Liberals” spend more time making fools of themselves these days.

1) He’s a member of the Klu Klux Klan. Unproven.
2) His mother was an illegal immigrant. Factually Incorrect.
3) He’s a Fiscal Conservative. He’s a Big Spender.
4) He’s a member of the Nazi Party. Unproven.
5) He’s a Social Conservative. Social Conservatives don’t have wives and daughters that pose nude nor do they advocate Medical Marijuana.
6) He’s the worst president ever. G.W. Bush caused the deaths of over a million Iraqis and Americans waging war on the wrong country. Trump can’t touch that.

With juvenile rhetoric like that coming from the New Left it’s no wonder he still enjoys a certain amount of popularity.

Donald Trump is definitely an asshole. Is there a reason beyond the obvious? I’m not qualified to say. But I will hold out hope, as I did with Barack Obama (in vain I might add), that somehow he manages to do something good for the nation before he makes his exit. Getting new advisors and doing a little soul searching would be a good start.

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Independent, Leans heavily Trump, Democrats lie, Republicans lie, Tired of lying politicians. American by birth, Southern by the grace of God.