Remember the Scumbags who Accused Us Because We Were Too Smart to Fall for the Vaxx/Mask/”Six Feet”/Covid 19 Bullshit.

They’re the fucking idiots now as we knew they would be. Only 14% of Americans have acquired the newest version of the Vaccine Bullshit. Let the 14% learn the hard way. Myocarditis, Blood Clots, Turbo Cancers, VITT. There’s no excuse for getting a deadly vaccination for a Corona Virus (Influenza) other than sheer stupidity.

Six of the dumbest fucks in America.

NEVER FORGET the Mandates, the loss of jobs, the firings from the Military (they are now begging those who were kicked out for refusing the Jab to return), the arrests at churches for gathering to worship and the social derision anti-Vaxxers were subjected to. Just last week I was approached by a Walmart employee who was wearing a mask. The 20 something clown mumbled something inaudible and I told him flat out, “don’t speak to me with that shit on your face”. Hopefully the moron was crushed and perhaps learned something useful.

Mean? Damn right. Fuck these idiots. There is no mega-virus. No Omicron, no “Long Covid”, no variants. It’s all a lie.

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Independent, Leans heavily Trump, Democrats lie, Republicans lie, Tired of lying politicians. American by birth, Southern by the grace of God.