The Removal of Confederate Monuments and the Childish Hypocrisy Behind It.

It’s a Neo-Liberal thing. We wouldn’t understand. We’re not rabid revisionist historian Democrats trying to convince African Americans that they should just shut up and let us do their thinking for them. Believe me, the days of Democrat Neo-Liberals being able to fearmonger Blacks into intellectually subjugating themselves are coming to an end.

Let’s begin with hate-filled, useless mini-despots like Tonyaa Weathersbee (who seemingly can’t even spell her own name correctly) and their efforts to create an anti-Southern narrative that insists that all those who take pride in their Southern heritage are some sort of slavery loving sociopaths who have no right to honor their ancestors. Of course, being me, I’d just as soon leave it at Fuck you, Tonyaa. Tell your mom to learn to spell. But…..There’s a few more points to make on this network of lies, hatred and fearmongering.

Tonyaaaa stated, “The monuments that honored Confederates who murdered and enslaved black people”…… As far as I know there are exactly zero monuments erected to honor the average Peckerwood. Monuments such as those in Memphis that are the focus of Neo-Liberal outrage are intended to honor fallen soldiers. Soldiers, you worthless trollop, never had the luxury of owning slaves. Only the poor go to fight. Still to this day. Granted, Jefferson Davis was a slave trader. But then again, so was everyone else on this planet in those days. Including twelve of our Chief Executives:

The “peculiar institution” loomed large over the first few decades of American presidential history. Not only did slave laborers help build the White House all of the earliest presidents (except for John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams) were slave owners. George Washington kept some 300 bondsmen at his Mount Vernon plantation. Thomas Jefferson—despite once calling slavery an “assemblage of horrors”—owned at least 175 enslaved workers at one time. James Madison, James Monroe and Andrew Jackson each kept several dozen enslaved workers, and Martin Van Buren owned one during his early career.

William Henry Harrison owned several inherited enslaved people before becoming president in 1841, while John Tyler and James K. Polk were both slaveholders during their stints in office. Zachary Taylor, who served from 1849-1850, was the last chief executive to keep enslaved people while living in the White House. He owned some 150 enslaved workers on plantations in Kentucky, Mississippi and Louisiana.

So, how ’bout it, Tonyaaaaa? Should the Washington Monument come down?

The last president to personally own enslaved people was Ulysses S. Grant, who served two terms between 1869 and 1877. The former commanding general of the Union Army had kept a lone black slave named William Jones in the years before the Civil War, but gave him his freedom in 1859.

As diabolical as slavery is, and was, all the revisionist history in the world cannot erase certain facts…. 1) There was slavery in the world from one end to the other since recorded history. Africans also owned slaves, who they proceeded to sell into bondage often to the Spaniards and others. 2) Anthony Johnson. A black Angolan ex-slave who was one of, if not the first, American to legally own slaves. 3) Slave ships sailed under the American Flag. Not the confederate banner. 4) Racism was ingrained in people throughout the world. Not just here. In fact according to this debate speech by Abraham Lincoln, he was the quintessential white supremacist.

Mr. Lincoln’s Speech

Mr. Lincoln took the stand at a quarter before three, and was greeted with vociferous and protracted applause; after which, he said:

“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: It will be very difficult for an audience so large as this to hear distinctly what a speaker says, and consequently it is important that as profound silence be preserved as possible.

While I was at the hotel to-day, an elderly gentleman called upon me to know whether I was really in favor of producing a perfect equality between the negroes and white people. [Great Laughter.] While I had not proposed to myself on this occasion to say much on that subject, yet as the question was asked me I thought I would occupy perhaps five minutes in saying something in regard to it. I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]-that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race”.

What’s up, buttercup? Lincoln Memorial?

This is the sad thing about those who think they can rewrite, or even erase history by removing certain monuments. They fail miserably to even know the history of their misgivings. It seems a thorough assessment is not necessary. Just enough twisting and lying to make African Americans hate people they have no reason to hate and to subscribe to the Democratic “don’t worry, vote for us, we’ll do your thinking for you and all you have to do is put on your blinders and hate hate hate”.

Not happening.

African Americans are awakening to the fact that they’ve been manipulated by Neo-Liberals and subjected to lies and agenda supported narratives. This false narrative about war memorials standing for anything other than honoring the dead is probably one of the most pathetic attempts to deceive. After all, Tonyaaaaaa, there’s a reason that the vast majority of blacks live here in the South. Peace and harmony. A peace and harmony that even you at your lying, slandering best cannot disrupt.

Now. For Tonya (the correct spelling), and any asshats that might have something stupid to say… Though there was a political resolution to the war in favor of the Union, and most of us are perfectly fine with the way things turned out (The states do govern themselves), we killed over 100,000 more Yankees than they killed of us. Boots on the ground, that’s a major ass whoopin’. Oh, yeah. We waxed your stinking, war criminal white supremacist President too.

Well, Tonyaaaa. You can play politics with legitimate American history all you want. Your efforts will ultimately backfire as throngs of blacks defect from the lies and demagoguery of the Democratic Party and it’s customized history.

And we’re still here. ;-]

“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds” – Bob Marley

Still Here…

Just waiting for it to all be over so I can make an educated decision. Right now, halfway through the IG Report, it’s not looking good for Democrats. I have a strong feeling that this shit is going to get real. Far more real than Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schiff and the rest are going to be able to handle.

To be continued very soon.

Thoughts of a Former Democrat.

Hey, things change, and all of a sudden I find the reasons that I dumped the Dems so numerous that I found it necessary to compile a list. So for those who have inquired….

First of all, the first time I ever voted for president was in 1984. I voted for Mondale/Ferraro. There’s nothing I hate more than losing via complete and total wipeout. Realistically, It started when Bill Clinton signed the Crime Bill of 1994 which basically nullified the Bill of Rights. That’s where NSA Spying came from, the death of our Fourth Amendment. That’s why Red Flag Laws pop up, gun enthusiasts only think they have Second Amendment Rights. Fact is, there is no Second Amendment. Clinton and Right Wing Extremists opened the package and exposed the contents to air. I’ll despise Bill Clinton for the rest of my life. And he deserves it as much as any other Constitution hater.

Then comes Barack Obama. The savior we longed for after eight years of the natural disaster known as Bush/Cheney. Never should have trusted a Chicago politician. All those campaign promises designed to suck the ballot-happy life out of “Progressive” voters. Obama became the king of half-assed effort. Health Care…could have slam dunked Single Payer in the first two years due to Democrats literally controlling the entire government. But, instead we got Insurance reform (more power given insurance companies) and a fine for refusing to obey the King…. And millions of people who still cannot afford health care. One minute Obama was saying “There is no NSA Spying”, and trying to justify same the next. From “hopey changey” to just another greedy career politician. A failure in so many ways. A Drug War supporter. The worst kind of vermin.

Then, of course, the constant abysmal failures of the Tennessee Democratic Party to stand for Progressive values, and constantly suck Right Wing Weenie, made me ill on a daily basis. The TNDP….An order of Escargot has more backbone.

Altogether, since Bill Clinton, I have watched the Democratic party slowly descend into the deepest darkest depths of idiocy and dishonor. Once champions of moral and intellectual progress they are now antithetical to themselves. Spewers of lies. Purveyors of complete and total bullshit and showing no sign of repair. Much less remorse. As big an asshole as Donald Trump can be, Democrats (Neo Liberal, borderline Communists) have become worse. Far worse. The party has completely and totally lost direction. In fact, it wouldn’t be too far fetched to state that the Center of the Republican party is the new “Progressive” movement.

Closer to Libertarian than Right Wing Republican, they were the first to file legislative efforts to legalize Marijuana and to actually instigate Corrections Reform. Supportive of environmental stability, the Constitution of the United States, State’s Rights and Fair Trade. Fair Trade, once being a stalwart Progressive issue, Democrats now complain about laying tariffs on China when they once championed the Idea. It’s sad. The Democrats were once the Labor Party. The champions of the working American and Labor Union strength. They no longer even speak of the working American. They rally behind the lazy-asses that don’t have a work ethic to speak of. Just the insatiable desire to have everything given to them for “free”. “FREE!” The mere utterance is all it takes for a Democratic politician to score a good chunk of votes.

Yeah, the new Democratic platform. “Free” everything, free college, free trade, Reparations (“free money for racists”), free borders, free whatfuckingever your little heart desires. They’ve become idiots. Plain and simple. They lie and demand the impossible….and somehow manage to convince themselves it’s all going to happen. Bad news, folks. You’ve conned yourselves, America saw it, you have no credibility as a result.

The lies. Sooo many lies. “Donald Trump is a racist!” The guy as yet to utter one single word that could even remotely be considered “racist”. They screamed that Trump stated that there were good people among the Nazi filth that crashed a rally in support of historical Confederate monuments. A concocted CNN lie that has now been exposed. Trump said there were “good people on both sides of the monument issue”. The Nazi filth were not the subject. CNN is a disgrace that has become the new FOX NEWS. FOX, though still non-credible, are more so than CNN today. Trump told those four twits in congress to go back to the failed places they came from. Xenophobic? Sure. But not at all “racist”. Xenophobic and Patriotic often go hand in hand. Then there’s the Media Slight-of-Hand concerning immigration. In reality, Donald Trump has praised immigrants, though the media and desperate Democratic politicians accuse him by removing the word “illegal” from the context. He has condemned “Illegal Immigrants” Not “Immigrants”.

The youthful, the uneducated and easily confused, the desperate, the poor, the unemployed and underpaid. Democrats now prey upon the people they once championed. Making promises they know they can’t keep (or have no intention of keeping) to solicit votes. In the mean time, while Dems make fools of themselves in debate and on the House floor, Donald Trump and the political outsiders make strides in improving the economy, the labor force, the lives of average Americans.

The Democratic Party that once stood for the average person now stands for the hyper-sensitive, terminally offended, whiney-ass Mega-Socialists who, oddly enough, seem to enjoy a little Fascism at times.

The last thing we need in the White House is another capitulating, cowardly, politically correct asshat to make us look and actually be weak. Another Beltway-Insider that cares for no one other than themselves. The Status Quo.

I don’t care if Donald Trump is an asshole. Things are better. Fuck your feelings.

  • captainkona

More Evidence That The DEA May Be Killing Drug Addicts

Previously we wrote that the DEA/DOJ could be intentionally killing drug addicts. As with any sound investigation either more evidence turns up, or it doesn’t. In this case It does.

Watch this video all the way through.

They did it with Denatured alcohol in the 20s. They tried it with Marijuana and Paraquat in the 70s and 80s. They’re doing it with Fentanyl and several drugs now.
The DEA is killing people who are addicted to drugs.

“If some people die in order to have a more sober society, it’s a price worth paying” – Seymour Lowman : Asst. US Treasury Secretary 1927

This is the philosophical outlook that our totalitarian government has long embraced and strove to implement. That those who require relief from that which ails them, to those who merely want to feel good for a few minutes, should be considered expendable. This has nothing to do with who the President is. It runs far deeper than that. Just how far is unclear, but one day we will find out.

  • captainkona

A Word to the Wise…

“If you’re emotionally attached to your caste, religion or political leanings to the point that truth and justice become secondary considerations, your education has been rendered useless. Your exposure, useless. If you cannot reason beyond petty sentiments, you are a liability to mankind.” – Dr. Chuba Okadigbo

Yeah, Yeah… I Know.

Haven’t been able to indulge the Blog for a while due to being (thankfully) too busy with non-internet goings on. But hey, it’s just the same old bullshit anyway. In all honesty, I have grown increasingly annoyed with the political asshattery we are witnessing every day in this country. I firmly believe that Americans are actually enjoying the bitter partisan divide that began during the Bush/Cheney farce and has sustained until this very day.

I have watched the Democratic party and the Liberal/Progressive movement turn into it’s own worst enemy. Becoming, sadly, a mirror image of the extreme Right Wing of the Republican party. Uneducated, undisciplined, whiny, hate-loving and intellectually pathetic. The one time holders of the moral and intellectual high ground in American politics have become, due to the influx of a new generation of young Millennials, a disoriented, listless joke. Hence my defection to the Libertarian Party. The only political party that stands for Freedom and the good of the American people. The principals upon which this nation was founded, and, the only party that sheds a tear over the madness that is the body politic of today.

Fuck this shit. Take a step back, America. Look at what you’ve become. A political feeding frenzy motivated by FOX and CNN. Your minds are poisoned. Poisoned by partisan hyperbole and your newfound love for hate. You hate everything. Immigrants, Guns, Southern people, Liberals, Conservatives, Blacks, Whites, Muslims, Christians…. To stand for what you believe in is good. But these days it’s no longer about that. It’s all about feeding your insatiable appetite for hate. All focus and purpose has been lost. And you don’t even care.

I will support the Libertarian Candidate in 2020. But should Trump be re-elected, I’ll have very little problem with it. He’s an asshole. An arrogant, spoiled man-child with no cooth or decency to speak of. But he has maintained the economic rise Obama started and signed some of the best legislation to come along in decades into law. Most importantly, he’s proven to be the political outsider he claimed to be. And that’s the shot in the arm this country needed. That’s why he’s so hated. He ruined the insidership that has kept this country in status quo. Good. Wake up call.

I don’t care if he lied or what he lied about. There is no such thing as a politician that doesn’t lie, the fucking scum that they are. There are no Bushes, Clintons or their cronies (Obama) in the White House. And that’s good enough for me. We are at rock bottom. The only way to go is up from here.

The Cabal of Control Freaks is gone. Let’s keep it that way.

Rant Over. Things to see and people to do.

Kamala Harris: Speaking Bullshit, Demanding We Believe It

That’s the thing about Democrat politicians, they lie through their teeth because they believe Progressive voters are stupid. And they may be right, because it’s “Progressive” voters that keep buying the lies and facades year in and year out. Over and over and over again. The lies and subsequent betrayals of Bill and Hillary Clinton. John Edwards. Barack Obama. Al Sharpton….. There’s no end to it. Now Kamala Harris wants to be the latest pretender to say “hey! look at me! I’m cool”! “I believe in justice”!

Lying sack of shit. You believe in nothing.

As a District Attorney and California’s Attorney General, Harris opposed efforts to legalize Marijuana though miraculously she is now all about it (since the decades old movement has exploded and become a major political issue). Much like Clinton and Obama played us all for fools, and we trusted them, Harris seems to be certain that we’ve forgotten these deceptions and will once again trust a proven liar. And some, if not most of those who fancy themselves “Progressive” will likely allow themselves to be treated like dog shit once again. But not me.

In her interview recently on The Breakfast Club, Harris claimed to have smoked weed in college (“I did inhale,” she said, laughing,”). Harris also claimed that she listened to Snoop Dogg and Tupac while getting high. Unfortunately for Harris her calendar is a tad fuckered up. Harris graduated from Howard University in 1986 and law school in 1989. Snoop Dogg didn’t get started until 1992 and Tupac in ’91 when he did Digital Underground’s ‘Same Song’. 2Pacalypse Now came out in ’92.
Sorry, Kamala, but the math here is simple and it proclaims you a liar.

Now to be sure, I don’t give a flying fuck what Harris listens to or when she listens to it. I just hate two-faced, lying politicians. Where Kamala Harris is concerned the question is simple…. Can she be trusted to promote meaningful corrections reform and clear the way for freeing Marijuana from decades of fear and ignorance? The answer is clearly NO.

Bill Clinton is the one that put record numbers of us in prison for it. When asked about legalizing Marijuana, post election, Barack Obama laughed at us. When presented with same as a Drug Prosecutor in Cali Harris also laughed. Well, I got tired of broken promises, outright lies, and fake-ass politicians a few years ago and I’m glad I did. Though I may have overcome the Democrat’s “Progressive” deception machine, most Democrats and “Progressives” sadly have not. When Democrats suffer political losses in future election cycles hopefully they will finally remember (or stop denying) the deceptions of the past and finally clean the party up.

While Harris was the San Francisco District Attorney, the overall felony conviction rate rose from 52% in 2003 to 67% in 2006, the highest in a decade; there was an 85% conviction rate for homicides, and convictions of drug dealers increased from 56% in 2003 to 74% in 2006. While these statistics represent only trial convictions, Harris also closed many cases via plea bargains. When she took office, she took a special interest in clearing part of the murder caseload from the previous administration. Harris stated that the records from that administration were less than optimal, and worked to get convictions on what she could. Out of the 73 homicide cases backlogged, 32 cases took deals for lesser charges such as manslaughter or took pleas to other crimes such as assault or burglary while the murder charges were dismissed.[

Harris holding a press conference with law enforcement agents

Officers within the SFPD credited Harris with tightening loopholes in bail and drug programs that defendants had exploited in the past. They also accused her of being too deliberate in her prosecution of murder suspects. Additionally, in 2009, San Francisco prosecutors won a lower percentage of their felony jury trials than their counterparts at district attorneys’ offices covering the 10 largest cities in California, according to data on case outcomes compiled by officials at the San Francisco Superior Court as well as by other county courts and prosecutors. (Officials in Sacramento, the sixth-largest city in California, did not provide data.) Harris’s at-trial felony conviction rate that year was 76%, down 12 points from the previous year. The then-most recent recorded statewide average was 83%, according to statistics from the California Judicial Council. In a small sample, a report computed that the conviction rate for felony trials in San Francisco County in the first three months of 2010 was 53%. San Francisco has historically had one of the lowest conviction rates in the state; the county is known for a defendant-friendly jury pool.[

In 2012, Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo ruled that San Francisco District Attorney Harris’s office violated defendants’ rights by hiding damaging information about a police crime lab technician, and was indifferent to demands that it account for its failings.

So we see that Kamala Harris is highly unlikely to genuinely support corrections reform since she willingly threw the US Constitution in the trash trying to get more people locked up. Sad. Even sadder is the fact that Democrats refuse to take the blinders off and see her for the ruse she is. Saddest of all? Those who once held the moral and intellectual high-ground in politics now make Progressives look like fools and Republicans look like the champions of freedom.


Just a few random points…

Naturally, while those who suffer from Social Media Brain Drain continue to make fools of themselves by pretending they know jack about shit, I have to assess all available information to try and arrive at the truth. The real truth, not the politically expedient, emotion-laden “truth” which is a favorite of the New Liberals, or the “it’s my truth” “truth” which is the Uber-Conservanoid’s version of “I’m taking my ball and going home”. Just the reality rooted in logic and experience. Those who have had their minds poisoned by the Communist/Socialist vs Nazi/Capitalist Bozo the fucking Clown political outlook have become so loud with their whiny-ass complaining that they are seen as numerous. They’re not. They’re a putrid mixture of the New Left Wing and Old Right Wing fringe that is so laughable they have to hide in Facebook or Twitter or some other intellectually stagnant electronically generated hole in the ground.

Basically, these Red State/Blue State types are idiots. The politics in this country run light years deeper than a meme or a slogan. Sorry, but Obama this or Trump that doesn’t cut it, folks. Calling people “racist” for supporting a political candidate, or “Socialist” for wanting all Americans to have health care only serves to make you look like the weak-minded Cephalopoda you really are.

Rush Limbaugh Fan…and his two digit IQ

Now, having said that, and realizing it will be impossible to prevent myself from appearing grotesquely narcissistic …..

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

This chick is an idiot. One of the biggest problems minority females have in communicating is their penchant for theatrics. This Cortez chick is such a bad actress that it’s remarkably easy to tell that she is substantially less than sincere. But of course, this will only be clear to those who don’t have their heads up her ass because of partisan politics.

I’m loud as fuck! Notice me!
Thyroid Disorder.

Anyway, she’s in it for herself. She’s not old enough, smart enough or real enough to be trusted with the nation’s future. She’s about as qualified to be in congress as Donald Trump is to be in the White House.

Spike Lee

At least he’s smarter than Alexandra Occasional Cortex. Spike recently stated, and wisely so, “I don’t have the answer” in regards to race in America amid the Trump administration. That’s true, he doesn’t. No one does…. because there isn’t one. There’s not even a question. No race is required to like another one. We’re required by the US Constitution to treat each other as equals. To employ equally, serve equally, treat equally; we’re required by common decency to respect each other. But no one is compelled to like anyone else and no one is required to be quiet about it.

Are there people in this country who mingle with, work with, befriend, fall in love with and establish families with people of other races? Of course there are. Are we all required to follow that pattern? Nope. There is no “answer” to race relations in America. It is what it is and you’re all fools for letting the matter interrupt your lives when that’s all it will ever be. Quit pointing fingers, quit your incessant whining and just do you. If they don’t live under your roof what the fuck do you care what they think?

Ralph Northam

I’m sick and tired of these sanctimonious, hypocritical, moonbat fucking assholes and whinypants low-lifes trying to hold people hostage to their past. Bill Cosby did nothing wrong. He found a Lude whore and got some pussy. We all got laid with Quaaludes in the ’60s and ’70s. The chicks loved it because it gave them an excuse for spending the whole night on their backs. Blackface? Do we dig up Al Jolsen and crucify him for Mammy? Blackface was theatrical reality at one time. It is not a mockery of African Americans, you simpletons. What about Michael Pederast Jackson. Am I supposed to be offended by him putting on Whiteface? Sorry, I’m just not. Maybe I should write Kraft and tell them that their White American Cheese offends me? Idiots.

Black man in Whiteface! OMG!! I’m so offended. LOL. Pussies.

Then, when Northam’s black Lt. steps up and shows solidarity to his white partner these hypocrite pigs start in accusing him? People make mistakes. People are misunderstood. Nobody’s perfect, fuck you.

If you’re offended, fuck you. You offend too easily and that makes you weak. Don’t you think I get offended? I do every day. Do I insist you’re some horrible person because you said something I didn’t like? No. You can’t make me feel anything because I am strong and you are weak. Understand yet? Say what you want to say, say what you feel. It won’t effect my life in the slightest.

The first rule of



Ralph Northam

Dear Delusional Democrats….

It doesn’t matter if you don’t like him. Hell, I don’t like him. It matters not if he offends you. You may be too easily offended. The fact that Donald Trump is an asshat extraordinaire doesn’t matter. The facts are the facts and the fact is that he’s done a better job as President than any of us thought possible.

The true test of a President’s mettle is not found in his popularity nor is it found in his (or her) happy horse shit facade. It’s not about a hair-do or tan-in-a-can. It’s not even about attending soldier’s funerals or the respect (or in Trump’s case the lack thereof) shown to whatever group. The ability to be an effective President lies mostly in the legislation a given leader signs into law or vetoes. In light of that, Donald Trump hasn’t done half bad.

It has to be difficult for anyone with the personality of a Turkey Buzzard to function in society. Donald Trump has never been taught the skills needed to be a normal human being. He’s been sheltered since birth and simply finds it impossible to empathize, sympathize or even analyze the feelings or sufferings or values of another. Or so it would seem. Be this as it may, Donald Trump has signed into law some excellent pieces of bi-partisan legislation and it is obviously dishonest to ignore the good that has been done. I realize that all too many of you will gladly ignore any good he’s done in order to sate your hatred. But this is about country, not you or I.

Here is a small sample of the Trump legacy that though covered in ugliness on the surface, amounts to a lot of good for the country and our people.

  • S 1094 Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017. This legislation aims to shore up unintended shortcomings in the 2014 version signed, but never enforced, by Barack Obama. It offers accountability and punishment to those who would abuse American Military Veterans at the VA and at home.
  • S 1141 Women, Peace, and Security Act of 2017 . This act helps place women in diplomatic service.
  • HR 3218 Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017. This legislation vastly improves and updates previous efforts to offer educational opportunities to Veterans. Over one million have been assisted by the original legislation. MORE LEGISLATION

Two particular pieces of legislation that Trump has signed into law are very special to me in a very personal way.

S 178 The Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act.

I have a very, very soft spot for our elderly citizens. They suffer growing old and in many cases being cast aside by society as useless. And all too often abused in deplorable and disturbing ways. I myself am a victim of elder abuse as my sister and nephew used my Power of Attorney to rob me of everything I ever owned. As much as I despise Chuck Grassley, he did well in drafting this drastically needed piece of legislation and kudos to Trump for signing it into law.


This is the real winner. The corruption in the Federal Justice System is beyond comprehension unless you’ve been involved in it. Even then you gasp in disbelief at the lies and coercion used by Federal Attorneys, Grand Juries, Judges and the BOP (bureau of prisons). “Conspiracy” charges that have landed innocent people in Federal prisons for nothing more than having their number in the wrong person’s phone. A father who was charged with “conspiracy” for trying to seek help for his addicted son instead of turning him in for selling Cocaine. Men and women sentenced to ten years for crimes so petty that on the State level would have drawn probation or a simple fine. The lives that have been destroyed by the DOJ/DEA and the Federal system in general are innumerable. Among the biggest tragedies our nation faces.

The First Step Act is the single most meaningful effort put forth by this joke of a government ever. thousands will be freed long before their scheduled out dates. And though not nearly enough, this is a step very much in the right direction.

I salute this president, and all involved, for striking a blow for elusive freedom and justice. Perhaps soon we can shed the disgraceful image of “Incarceration Nation”.

Some of the legislative efforts Trump has supported are down right travesty. That’s to be expected. The reality of the situation is as it is. The country is moving forward finally. The driver may well be an asshole, but forward is forward. So keep in mind, Delusional Democrats. All your whining, race-baiting, lying and willful ignorance cannot wash away the truth. Knee-jerk attempts at articles of Impeachment when no crime worthy of impeachment yet exists only serve to further destroy your credibility. While you cling relentlessly to the negatives, the positives are beginning to overshadow you.

  • captainkona

Is the DEA Killing Junkies?

After years of traveling through the Middle East and Europe as well as several states, I came to lite in Southern California in 1983. A perfect place for a young man in his early twenties. Sun and fun, lovely (if jaded) young females, and lots and lots of really good weed. Kush rained like Manna from Heaven. Golden Thai, Mowie, Purple Buds of all kinds. The purple golfballs from Catalina Island were beyond comprehension. There was even the occasional arrival of tons of Alaskan Thunderfuck. This was the hay-day of outdoor excellence which is, in spite of what many believe, still unequaled. Also, one cannot forget the mountains of Mexican pot that always seemed to be there no matter what season or circumstance.

1983 was also a time of infamy in the California weed scene. In the mid to late Seventies the Mexican Government began spraying the Marijuana crops in Mexico with Paraquat (with plenty of help from the US State Dept to the tune of 15 Million a year). A deadly chemical designed not only to kill the plant, but to poison the smoker. And in doing so scare others into abstaining from indulgence in our beloved herb. The dangers of paraquat were no secret to the State Department. Swallowing as little as a half ounce is suicidal. Paraquat gravitates to the lungs, where it causes such massive damage that death almost invariably occurs within two weeks. There is no known antidote. But whether paraquat that is burned, and then inhaled, produces those same deadly results was unknown. In 1975, when the US started funding the Mexican program, there had been no inhalation studies. There would be none until 1977, when Senate investigators forced the issue.


In March of 1978, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Joseph Califano announced the disturbing results of those tests: Heavy users of this tainted marijuana might develop fibrosis, an irreversible lung disease, and “clinically measurable damage” might befall less frequent smokers. In the furor that followed, the Administration explained that there was nothing it could do but warn smokers against Mexican marijuana — the Government of Mexico selected this herbicide independently, purchased it from a British company with its own funds, and sprayed marijuana mostly when opium‐poppy fields, the true targets of the American funded program, lay fallow. And if the United States pressured the Mexicans, the probable outcome would be suspension of opium‐poppy spraying‐and intensified spraying of marijuana.

In 1988 the director of the Drug Enforcement Administration said that the Government would use the herbicide paraquat and two others in a stepped-up campaign to eradicate domestically grown marijuana.

The use of paraquat, banned from national forests in 1983 because of environmental concerns, was announced by the director, John C. Lawn, at a news conference. A drug agency spokesman, Cornelius Dougherty, subsequently said that, in light of a 1983 ruling by Federal Judge June Green, paraquat would be sprayed for marijuana eradication on private land, not on public property.

The other two herbicides cited by Mr. Lawn, 2,4D and Glyphosate (which is now known to cause Cancer), are not involved in the ruling and could be used on public lands, a spokesman said.

Jay Feldman, coordinator of the National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides, said: ”The other two chemicals don’t have the same restrictions, but while that may be complying with the letter of the law, it is violating the principles that protect national lands to ensure the protection of wildlife habitats and recreation areas.
Under a consent decree resolving the 1983 suit by several environmental groups and the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, the D.E.A. agreed not to spray paraquat until after the Government prepared a statement on the action’s effect on the environment. The impact statement was completed in July 1985 and found that ”there is a slight risk that heavy smokers of marijuana could be affected by paraquat-sprayed marijuana.” The document also opened the way for use of glyphosate and 2,4-D.

Glyphosate, a weedkiller like paraquat, was first used in September 1985.

The Government contends that while paraquat is dangerous in a concentrated form, once it is sprayed it becomes ”biologically inactive.”

Mr. Lawn said that the Government must prepare another environmental impact statement when eradication is contemplated and that ”at that point, the determination is made by environmentalists, by law enforcement, which chemical will be most effective.”

Attorney General Edwin Meese 3d said ”the real environmental damage is not from” the herbicides, but rather from what is being done by the illegal growers of marijuana.

So we see that it’s been done before. The US Government trying to eradicate their target of choice without regard for, or intentionally hostile to, the health and lives of average people. Which brings us to the present and forces us to ask the question…. Are they doing the same thing now, only in regards to Opiates?

Why are American junkies dying at such an accelerated rate? Why is so much fake, poisonous Fentanyl making it into the Heroin and Cocaine supply seemingly unabated? A new style every few months. Deadly, cheap….How does something so powerful cost only pennies? If it comes from drug cartels as the DEA has insisted why doesn’t it fit the cartel M.O…..To make money? Are we to believe that some 501(c)(3) non-profit somewhere distributes this poison for shits and giggles? Who would distribute such a thing without profiteering from it? The young people in America could not possibly visualize this, but to those of us who are aged enough to have seen the exact same activity before, it fills us with foreboding and a tremendous suspicion of a Government that we already know will kill it’s citizens without hesitation to sate it’s collective fear of the unknown.

The fearmongering and Government propaganda concerning Opioid painkillers, with the help of capitulating media, is already out of control. The process of using Doctors as scapegoats is in full swing. Is Fentanyl the new Paraquat?

How deep does this horror story run?

  • captainkona